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Keep On Learning

School's out ... well, but it always pays to know what you're doing. Too many people never realize it.
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Overview of the New C++ (C++0x)

abstract Pretty detailed training on the new aspects of C++0x. Taught by the master himself.
trainer Dr. Scott Meyers, organized by  QA Systems GmbH
language english
download  certificate

Fortgeschrittenes Design - Entwurfsprinzipien und -muster

abstract Design patterns everywhere you see. Theory, Java and C++.
trainer Christel Sohnemann ( oose Innovative Informatik GmbH)
language german
download  Teilnahmebestätigung

The Gober Method

abstract Quote: "For the Strategy, Psychology & Language of Service™"
trainer organized by  Mary Gober International
language english
download  certificate

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